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Преподаватели и студенты ряда высших образовательных учреждений республики находятся в Республике Каракалпакстан и активно участвуют в марафоне в рамках общенационального проекта «Яшил макон».
A republican scientific and practical conference on the topic "Modern information, communication technologies and applied problems of education" is currently taking place in Samarkand branch of TUIT
Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling of Samarkand State University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E. Urunbaev made a report on the topic of "Logical Method for Determining the Relationship between Symptoms and Diseases".
On October 28, the branch stage of the 'Cryptology' Olympiad was held among students, with more than 15 participants testing their knowledge
A meeting of famous creative figures with students took place in Samarkand branch of TUIT.
Samarkand branch of TUIT Anti-corruption department "Compliance Control" Warns❗️
❗️Agar siz manfaatlar to‘qnashuviga duch kelsangiz maslahat so‘rash yoki tegishli choralar ko‘rilishi uchun TATU Samarqand filiali Korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashish va kompleans nazorat bo'limi xodimlariga aloqaga chiqishingiz mumkin.
#second specialty
Candidates who applied for the second specialization at the Samarkand branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi
Talabalar, ularning ota-onalari, OTM o'qituvchilari va barchangizni mazkur so'rovda faol ishtirok etishga chorlaymiz.
📌Korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashish agentligi 9-dekabr — Xalqaro korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashish kuni munosabati bilan U-Report orqali shu haqda so'rov otkazmoqda.
2023-2024-o'quv yili uchun imtihon baholash mezoni, namunaviy suhbat savollari va imtihon vaqti haqida batafsil ma’lumotlar
Professor Teachers
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